Targeting Tips for September: How to Connect with Hockey Fans, Coffee Enthusiasts, Basketball Buffs, and Apartment Renters


Targeted advertising is about timing and relevance. By aligning campaigns with seasonal behaviors, you can connect with audiences when they’re most receptive. This drives better engagement and stronger results. As we step into September, it’s the perfect time to focus on four key audiences: Hockey Fans, Coffee Enthusiasts, Basketball Fans, and Apartment Renters.

With colder weather setting in, hockey and basketball seasons are around the corner. Students and young professionals are moving into new apartments. Now is the ideal moment to reach these groups. Whether tapping into the excitement of the sports season or catering to the cozy comforts of home, targeting these audiences makes your campaigns more impactful and helps you reach the right people at the right time.

Audience #1: Hockey Fans

Why Now?

Hockey season is around the corner and excitement is building among fans eagerly preparing for the games. This time of year sees a surge in demand for team merchandise, game tickets, and fan gear. It’s an ideal opportunity for brands to connect with this passionate and engaged audience. Whether stocking up on jerseys or securing seats for the big game, hockey fans are actively seeking ways to express their team spirit and enhance their game-day experience.

Best Targeting Strategies

  • Geographic Targeting: Focus your campaigns on regions with popular hockey teams and a strong fan base. Targeting these areas will help you reach fans deeply invested in their local teams and more likely to respond to promotions.
  • Utilize Interest-Based Data: Leverage data to target individuals who have shown an interest in hockey or related sports. This approach ensures your ads reach people who are excited about the upcoming season and are actively looking for ways to support their teams.
  • Promote Fan Experiences: Highlight products and services that enhance the game-day experience. Whether offering exclusive team merchandise, promoting game tickets, or advertising viewing parties, focus on creating a connection with fans that goes beyond just the game.

Audience #2: Coffee Enthusiasts

Why Now?

As temperatures drop, there’s nothing like a warm cup of coffee to start the day—or to enjoy during a cozy afternoon. With the arrival of cooler weather, coffee consumption naturally increases, making this the perfect time to connect with coffee enthusiasts. Whether exploring new flavors, upgrading their brewing equipment, or searching for the perfect local café, passionate coffee drinkers everywhere are eager to embrace all things coffee.

Best Targeting Strategies

  • Focus on Product Variety: Tailor your campaigns to showcase new coffee blends, seasonal flavors, and unique brewing methods. Coffee enthusiasts are always on the lookout for something new and exciting. Highlighting a diverse range of options can capture their interest and encourage them to try your offerings.
  • Leverage Behavioral Data: Use purchasing habits and behavioral data to target frequent coffee buyers or those who have shown interest in specialty coffee. This will help you reach the right audience with personalized messaging that resonates with their coffee preferences.
  • Highlight Local Cafes: Promote local coffee shops and special deals to attract this audience to nearby locations. Emphasizing the experience of enjoying a fresh cup of coffee in a cozy café can create a strong connection with coffee enthusiasts seeking new places to enjoy their favorite beverage.

Audience #3: Basketball Fans

Why Now?

As the countdown to basketball season begins, fans are already diving into the action, scoping out the latest gear and planning their game-day rituals. This time of year isn’t just about the sport itself—it’s about the entire experience. From finding the perfect jersey to arranging watch parties, basketball fans are fully immersed in the excitement. For brands, this is a chance to tap into that enthusiasm and connect with an audience that’s buzzing with anticipation

Best Targeting Strategies

  • Target by Team Loyalty: Focus your campaigns on fans of specific basketball teams and promote team-related merchandise. By tapping into the strong sense of loyalty that fans have for their favorite teams, you can create targeted offers that resonate deeply and drive engagement.
  • Capitalize on Social Media Buzz: Engage with basketball fans on social media platforms where discussions about the upcoming season are trending. By joining the conversation and promoting your products or services in these spaces, you can build excitement and anticipation among fans.
  • Promote Viewing Experiences: Advertise products and services that enhance the game-watching experience. Whether it’s TV packages, snacks, or hosting game-day gatherings, focus on how your offerings can make watching the game more enjoyable for fans.

Audience #4: Apartment Renters

Why Now?

September is prime time for students and young professionals to move into new apartments as the school year begins. This audience is actively seeking furniture, décor, and essential items to transform their new space into a home. Whether they’re furnishing their first apartment or updating their living space, these renters are in the market for products that blend style with functionality.

Best Targeting Strategies

  • Target by Life Stage: Tailor your ads to reach young professionals, students, and recent graduates. These groups are often in transition and looking for products that fit their lifestyle and budget, making them highly receptive to targeted campaigns that speak to their specific needs.
  • Promote Essential Products: Focus your messaging on must-have items like furniture, kitchenware, and home décor. Highlighting the essentials can attract renters who are looking to quickly and affordably furnish their new apartments with everything they need to feel settled.
  • Leverage Location-Based Data: Utilize location-based data to target ads in areas with a high concentration of new apartment leases or student housing. By zeroing in on these hotspots, you can reach renters who are setting up their new homes and are actively searching for the best deals on furnishings and household essentials.

September Success Starts Here

First-party data is a powerful way to connect with the right audiences of real people at the right time. By focusing on groups like Hockey Fans, Coffee Enthusiasts, Basketball Fans, and Apartment Renters, you can align your messaging with their seasonal behaviors and needs, ultimately driving higher engagement and better results. 

At BRIDGE, we specialize in leveraging first-party data to connect your ads with actual, verified audiences. This ensures your message reaches the people who matter most. Our expertise in custom audience targeting means your campaigns will resonate with the right individuals, maximizing your return on investment.

Ready to make your September campaigns stand out? Contact BRIDGE today, and let’s start crafting campaigns that connect with these key audiences.

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