Actual People, Actual Engagement: Your Featured Audiences for May

reach camping enthusiasts, wherever they are, with first-party data on ACTUAL people

Digital marketing shines when it moves beyond addressing vague audiences and instead prioritizes connecting with actual people at the individual level. As the industry finally moves away from cookies, one key path to success emerges: first-party data.

BRIDGE is laser-focused on helping you leverage first-party data to reach actual, verified people with your message. Each month, we spotlight four audiences that are made up of actual people, with actual needs, passions, and purchasing power.

Here’s how to connect with each audience to resonate and foster a more personalized and profitable relationship.

Camping Enthusiasts

The allure of spring and summer months cannot be overstated for camping enthusiasts. During these seasons, the rising temperatures and longer days create perfect conditions for camping and exploring nature’s splendor. Recent trends indicate a significant uptick in outdoor activities, camping specifically, with more people looking to escape the hustle of urban life for the tranquility of natural settings.

  • Listen to the Birds, Harness Social Echoes. Visual and community-oriented platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great outlets for showcasing camping gear and outdoor experiences. By featuring high-quality photos of camping gear in action and sharing user experiences, brands can build authenticity and trust. Engaging with these communities through social media can significantly amplify a brand’s visibility and appeal, fostering a stronger connection with a highly targeted audience.

  • Content Kindling. Leveraging content marketing through blog posts or videos featuring camping tips and destinations is an exceptional strategy to engage camping enthusiasts. Such content not only offers valuable information but also inspires potential customers by showcasing the beauty and adventure that awaits in the great outdoors.

  • Ignite Campaigns with Paid Search. Paid search campaigns can light paths, too. When campers search for stoves or compasses, your ad for durable, environmentally-friendly gear leads the way.  By positioning ads for key search terms related to camping gear, brands can connect with the actual people searching for products to enhance their outdoor experience.

Auto In-Market

The automotive industry is shifting gears, and May often sees the bloom of sales events. This year, consumer interest is shifting toward sustainability with electric vehicles being the most in-demand pick of 2024.

  • Let Google Drive Your Campaign. Utilizing Google Ads with targeted keywords related to car models, features, and deals is a savvy approach to reaching potential car buyers. By pinpointing the exact terms that consumers are using to search for their next vehicle, brands can ensure their ads appear prominently during these critical moments of decision-making.

  • Emission-less Emails. Leveraging email marketing campaigns for promoting limited-time offers and discounts directly taps into the pulse of consumers actively seeking a new car. Segmenting recipients based on their interests and previous interactions helps marketers tailor their messages with precision.

  • Influencers Take the Wheel. Collaborating with car review influencers on YouTube or other platforms is a great method for reaching potential car buyers. These influencers often have a dedicated and engaged audience that trusts their opinions and recommendations, and you can effectively tap into their community of auto enthusiasts by showcasing your vehicle through their reviews.


Photography, as both a hobby and profession, has enjoyed a surge in popularity, driven by the democratization of high-quality digital cameras and the rise of social media platforms where images can instantly be shared with the world. National Photography Month, celebrated every May, plays a big role by celebrating the art and technique of photography and inspiring a new generation of photographers.

  • Social Media As A Focal Point. Hosting photography contests on social media platforms is an effective advertising method to engage the photography community. Such contests not only incentivize participation through awards or recognition but also encourage photographers to share their work, increasing visibility for both the participants and the brand organizing the contest.

  • Exposure in E-commerce. Offering discounts or special promotions on photography equipment and accessories is a highly effective strategy for attracting photographers through digital ads. These incentives not only grab their attention but also provide a tangible value proposition, encouraging photographers to invest in new gear.

  • Frame-Worthy Content. Providing valuable content through tutorials, webinars, or blogs on photography techniques and gear reviews is a potent digital advertising tactic that directly addresses the interests and needs of photographers. By offering insights and education, brands can establish themselves as authoritative and trustworthy sources in the photography community.

Hotel Shoppers

As summer approaches, so does a significant increase in travel plans, as people aim to break free from the monotony of their daily routines to seek adventure and relaxation. Consequently, the demand for accommodations skyrockets, making early booking not just a wise decision, but a necessary step to ensure access to the best options available.

  • Clicks Revisited. Retargeting ads serve as a gentle reminder to potential customers about their unfinished bookings or searches for accommodations. Keeping your brand visible and top-of-mind increases the likelihood of converting interest into confirmed bookings.

  • Check-In with Personalized Offers. Offering exclusive discounts or packages for early bookings taps into the hotel shopper’s desire for value and assurance. This not only provides a financial incentive but also creates a sense of urgency, encouraging potential guests to act quickly to secure the best deals.

  • Testimonials Worth a Thousand Visits. Partnering with travel influencers to showcase hotel stays and experiences is particularly effective because it leverages the trust and rapport these influencers have built with their audience. Followers often see influencers as relatable sources of honest reviews and visual storytelling, making their endorsements more impactful than traditional advertisements.

BRIDGE Sets You Up For Sucess

There’s no substitute for authenticity. Take first-party data – it doesn’t get more authentic than that. And we at BRIDGE aren’t just pushing generic, processed data; we’re connecting you with actual people. It all starts with a single, verified email address that we securely layer in with demographic and psychographic information, resulting in tailored, custom profiles right at your fingertips.

For first-party strategies as unique as your business, look to BRIDGE. We know actual people, and we know exactly how to reach them.

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