Why Finally Kicking the Cookie Will Feel so Good


In a move that has reverberated across the digital landscape, Google has announced its plan to phase out third-party cookies on Chrome, marking a significant departure from the longstanding practice of employing cookies to track users’ online activities. Google claims this decision arose from its commitment to enhancing privacy and security for its users, amidst growing concerns and tighter regulations around data privacy globally.

However, one cannot help but wonder if Google’s move is wholly altruistic or if there are underlying motives aimed at further entrenching its dominant position in the digital market. By discontinuing the use of third-party cookies, Google potentially gains an edge by leveraging its vast ecosystem of products and services. How will this shift impact the balance of power in online advertising? Are we witnessing a genuine effort to prioritize user privacy, or is this a strategic move disguised in the noble cloak of privacy advocacy?

We’ll never know what motives are truly behind such major decisions. The public statements tend to suggest largely altruistic intentions. 

The trends tell a different story, however. 

Each big tech company is essentially finding a way to wrap one arm around its massive data trove and extend the other to keep everyone else at bay. It’s not enough to build a walled garden, they’ve got to build a moat around it too. “Mine, mine, mine.” 

Further down on the list of concerns? How all of this affects you, you, you. 

In talking with customers and industry execs, we know people are just plain fed up with the constant shifts and changes. 

We know it’s downright frustrating to not have a consistent process and methodology to rely on. How challenging it can be trying to understand what privacy and antitrust matters of the moment will uproot your business. The helplessness that comes from watching the government and big tech play an endless game of chess with little regard for downstream impacts. 

Thankfully, those getting tired of kicking a disappearing football have another option: kick the cookie. Once and for all. 

We understand why running cookie-based campaigns is so appealing. It’s cheap. It’s the devil you know. It doesn’t require upending years and years of established business processes. (Oops, that last one is definitely not true anymore as every day seems to bring nothing but change.)

But seriously, you have options. Over the past years, people-based, first-party data has proven resilient against the whims of big tech and whichever political party happens to be in power at the moment. Further, campaigns based on first-party insights have proven that a balance can be established between respecting evolving privacy and ethics trends while still maximizing performance. 


  • Actionable customer insights. With first-party data, you’re not throwing darts blindly and hoping to hit something. You’re working with a single version of the truth for each customer. Over time, this makes it possible to expand specific user profiles as you learn more about interests and preferences. 
  • Customer retention and acquisition get a big boost. As one of the leading first-party data providers, BRIDGE constantly updates and cleans its data on real, actual people to verify that we remain up-to-date and compliant. We also use advanced algorithms to identify lookalike customers who are more likely to buy, further enhancing value. 
  • It is 100% opt-in and privacy-compliant. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that privacy will rule supreme in the future of advertising. First-party data on real people ensures you know who you’re marketing to, including exactly where they’ve opted in, opted out, and changed preferences along the way. 
  • Maximize every dollar spent. Campaigns based on bad data waste money. People-based, first-party data ensures you’re reaching an actual customer, mitigating waste due to fraud. When you know who you’re targeting, you can surgically tune message frequency for optimal results. 

When you choose BRIDGE, you’re choosing a partner steadfast in its resolve to never depend on cookies for ad targeting. Instead, we leverage people-based, first-party strategies that guarantee long-term success. Our unwavering commitment to developing direct, consent-based relationships with audiences ensures that our partners are not just surviving, but thriving in a post-cookie world.

So why wait? Join us, and together, let’s set the standard for a healthier, trust-filled digital ecosystem.

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