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As The Cookie Crumbles, First Party Data Gets A Fresh Look

Marketers are finally coming to terms with the fact that they can’t have their cookies and eat them too.  Big Tech has begun maneuvering to escape the crosshairs of regulators, lawmakers, and privacy advocates alike, beginning with Google’s announcement that they will be disabling third-party cookies in 1% of global Chrome users.  Good riddance.  In […]

Data People-Based Marketing PII Privacy Targeting

Top 3 Marketing Concerns about Data Privacy

Massive changes ranging from government regulation to moves by big tech players are coming and they are threatening marketers’ ability to build relationships with consumers. These changes include: Disparate local data privacy laws from state to state is challenging and costly, creating confusion for marketers and consumers alike. This causes tension, distrust, and complexity. Hardening […]


Privacy vs Personalization – How Marketers Manage the Balance

Delivering personalized experiences to customers has become increasingly difficult leaving marketers frustrated at every turn. And it’s little wonder, with consumers more protective of their data, greater scrutiny by regulators, evolving and inconsistent privacy regulations, and changes by technology companies like Google and Apple. Although consumers have become cautious about sharing their data, research shows […]

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