Are you smarter than a computer? Maximizing your advertising budget and ensuring effective audience targeting are crucial goals for any advertiser. However, it’s important to recognize that building your own media mix or relying on generic audience targeting may not yield optimal results, potentially leaving valuable resources untapped. Adalytics reports that 80% of video ad […]
Welcome back to our TikTok advertising benefits series. In our last chapter, we discussed the first benefit that TikTok ads provide: brand exposure. In this chapter, we’re going to go over how TikTok ads can help increase your sales and drive revenue for your business! Ready to get started? Let’s dive in. Affordable and Easy […]
How to Drive Revenue, Acquire New Customers, and Optimize Ad Spend Multichannel campaigns drive 37% more lift and engagement. This will allow you to capture your user’s attention, convert leads and optimize your ad spend. Please read our multichannel campaign best practices and benefits below: 1. Determine campaign objective and duration The first step of […]
Effective email marketing strategies allow a company to deliver offers, provide content, and build a rapport with their audience in order to keep their brand top of mind.